Does YOUR Name Have A ‘story’ To It? Here Is MY Story With Mine!
Does YOUR name have a ‘story’ to it? By that…who were you named after…why did your parents name you what they did? This comes from me posting that certificate I got for when I got ordained…I had to enter my FULL name…*see pic below…YES that is my FULL name…but please…keep calling me Tymo…been that way my whole life.
So…Martin..after Martin Luther King…David after David and Goliath…Maximillion after Maximillion the Great…who got killed by his own people by the way…nice legacy hey? My parents wanted all of us to have the same initials too so all our 1st names start with M…So there…that is my name and why I was named what I was…you?
Click HERE to hear other peoples stories…especially the 2nd story here!!